Therapy can help support children and adolescents in a variety of ways. They receive support, consider conflicts with people, understand feelings and problems, and try out new solutions to old problems. Goals for therapy may be specific (change in behavior, improved relations with friends or family), or more general (less anxiety, better self-esteem).
Because children see the world so differently than adults, it’s important to take your child to a therapist who specializes in helping children. Lighthouse Clinic therapists supports children and adolescents in person and online.
Our Child Psychiatrist - Dr. Thomas Wright - supports patients in person and online.
Our Meet the Group page offers options on therapists who work with children and aldolescents.
Please call us at 414-964-9200 or email us at contact@thelighthouseclinic.com to inquire further about child and adolescent therapy.
Common Concerns
Behavioral therapy
Child-centered play therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
Music or art therapy
Parent-child interaction therapy